Our Mother Tongues Blog

Video: The 1491s Present Love Words From Turtle Island

January 24, 2015 - 11:40 AM | by Our Mother Tongues

In a remix of their 2013, Valentine’s Day video, the 1491s have compiled an impressive collection of indigenous language “I Love You’s” in their video “Love Words From Turtle Island.”

The video was created with hundreds of submissions from across Indian country and includes “I Love You” in languages like Arikara, Laguna, Mohawk, Lakota, Cherokee, Choctaw and many more.

“We asked people to send us a video of them saying, ‘I Love You’ in their Indigenous language. Hundreds of submissions later from all across Turtle Island, this is the end result,” says the video description.

So grab a loved one and sit down to watch some Valentine’s Day love… Native-style.

Read the article on the Indian Country Today Media Network

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